Modify humidifyer to turn on when given power

I´ve got a humidifier that I would like to control through HA by turning it on and off through a sonoff or FR switch.

The problem I have is that in order to turn it on, I have to press the power button.
Even if I hold the power buttong pressed while plugging the humidifier in the wall, it doesnt power on.
I have to press the power button after the device has been plugged in in order for it to start.
I have attached some pictures showing the buttons.

Im not sure what these type of buttons are called?
Would it be possible to somehow bypass the powerbutton and have it autoatically turn on when given power?

use a dual-relay sonoff or electrodragon, isolate the 2nd relay from power and wire it to both sides of the button. Then you can trip the power and trip the button both via automation or mqtt.

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Thanks! That should work.