Modify LAN configuration, 192.168.10.x to 192.168.1.x bunch of errors

Hey everyone, I move home and I had to modify my lan configuration from 192.168.10.x to 192.168.1.x.
I´m getting a bunch of errors. any susgestion?
where to start?

alexalogin.login((<alexapy.alexalogin.AlexaLogin object at 0x7f6201a5bbe0>,), {'cookies': {'session-id': <Morsel: session-id=145-8935599-2000226>, 'session-id-time': <Morsel: session-id-time=2286322836l>, 'lc-main': <Morsel: lc-main=en_US>, 'ubid-main': <Morsel: ubid-main=135-0363295-3375115>, 'session-token': <Morsel: session-token=geWHLY/5XGFFY4wRw4FyhynQr73tFx5eBUdxgp8ADqy483nRsvMJYsLhyo+IjkcOfxdmRGXOseLGruETXxAxM93hq2s4q1GltVPIHpm9C4eAaKLA/PeiNKs7++Bwo6YDk+PlCVHbN8KCylzEKuW4y9IvHaYULAdsOEFY6bA8RFyquzNHBqtrHgmACQfcgLwRv0TfLzFk0RdNSaDfJ3r2+mBT1BQ7k4Yj>, 'csrf': <Morsel: csrf=1454796522>, 'x-main': <Morsel: x-main=nORcsoHgUBqcispPu9ivl8Qi3H3fHsuQ>, 'at-main': <Morsel: at-main=Atza|IwEBIDYAwqrFTKm_ur46s8VTRiWvYPfnhiJSTjgYyPCxmZA96KXbGJBidOOc26JvatY6mmY1K3aDOXj1fySmkgXTiK3-a19RxE5vc5uc3RMBhgxdjdy6FC0n_bspyMN3Jm_ODJDOLaihz3TMI_Zo45vS8pn4XU8QlhA6PSjwi5Gc7ZFlDFIBMPKZkTElhh9Cy2tP91L0yoR-XbuCtnVou9E14Pky1PQQECZzwOe301qUrOsqKJNt_v_dEvcA_6uUXnI12eTiHMr8LWk-n2Pp5lmdaeDoLcn9bi-g8xj2qhrUpGCdk5q2-viC6d63GwFk8ps3PsO7a93awqWR4StRSclnx2C1Z6jHUGH4zLW77gcKyu-lss-jXF0JaTwlWflX-HSKryrnv9VhQl9mXBN_Chh-QiFE>, 'sess-at-main': <Morsel: sess-at-main="TYfZ6CXjlbfgv27FE+tBcV3MusAr648DKczgi/Hyq2Q=">}}): A connection error occured: An exception of type ClientConnectorError occurred. Arguments: (ConnectionKey(host='', port=443, is_ssl=True, ssl=None, proxy=None, proxy_auth=None, proxy_headers_hash=8554202890883132117), gaierror(-3, 'Try again'))
8:34:58 AM – (WARNING) /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/alexapy/ - message first occurred at 8:32:27 AM and shows up 5 times
Error doing job: Unclosed client session
8:34:48 AM – (ERROR) - message first occurred at 8:33:07 AM and shows up 4 times
Access to returned error 'ClientConnectorError'
8:34:37 AM – (ERROR) /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/metno/ - message first occurred at 8:32:21 AM and shows up 5 times
Can't login with mode: auto
8:34:37 AM – (WARNING) Sonoff (custom integration) - message first occurred at 8:32:22 AM and shows up 5 times
Request exception for '' with - Cannot connect to host ssl:default [Try again]
8:33:27 AM – (ERROR) HACS (custom integration) - message first occurred at 8:32:23 AM and shows up 2 times
Config entry 'Home' for met integration not ready yet: Update failed: ; Retrying in background
8:33:00 AM – (WARNING) - message first occurred at 8:32:21 AM and shows up 5 times
Waiting on integrations to complete setup: upnp
8:32:30 AM – (WARNING)
Error setting up entry [email protected] for icloud
8:32:21 AM – (ERROR) components/icloud/ - message first occurred at 8:32:21 AM and shows up 2 times
Setup failed for recorder: Integration failed to initialize.
8:32:19 AM – (ERROR) - message first occurred at 8:31:59 AM and shows up 5 times
Unable to set up dependencies of logbook. Setup failed for dependencies: recorder
8:32:19 AM – (ERROR) - message first occurred at 8:32:16 AM and shows up 4 times
Timeout on /supervisor/options request
8:32:11 AM – (ERROR) Home Assistant Supervisor
Setup of recorder is taking over 10 seconds.
8:32:10 AM – (WARNING) /usr/local/lib/python3.9/asyncio/ - message first occurred at 8:31:39 AM and shows up 2 times
Error during connection setup: (MySQLdb._exceptions.OperationalError) (2002, "Can't connect to MySQL server on 'core-mariadb' (115)") (Background on this error at: (retrying in 3 seconds)
8:31:56 AM – (ERROR) recorder - message first occurred at 8:31:29 AM and shows up 10 times

Looks like a general connectivity problem. Did you also change the gateway address (the address to reach your router)?

I guess I do not need to do that. I I’m using virtual machine.

If I do need how do I do it?

Perhaps first, can you describe if you are running DHCP or Static IP for your Home Assistant.

If you are using Static IP, then how did you change the address of your Home Assistant?

Dhcp. But not always works.

There are different ways to do this, but I’ll use nmcli.

nmcli con show active

Example output:

NAME               UUID                                  TYPE      DEVICE 
Supervisor enp0s3  c14e9fbc-98dc-49e0-b65e-c39d18abdef9  ethernet  enp0s3 

From your print out, use the NAME.

nmcli con edit "Supervisor enp0s3"
nmcli> print ipv4

To get out out of the nmcli interactive shell, type Ctrl-D.

What does this print ipv4 statement show?