integration has a hard coded rate limit of 100 API requests per day. But users usually get a quota of 500 requests per day from free account. This rate limit affects both updates of weather entity and get_forecasts action. Can we update the integration to allow for higher rate limit?
Many integrations allow you to turn off automatic updates and/or call homeassistant.update_entity on one of its entities to force a manual update. I do not know if the integration works the same way. Often this is described in the integration documentation.
Thank you for your suggestion. I tried calling homeassistant.update_entity on the weather entity but it doesn’t do anything. I have a trigger template sensor also which calls weather.get_forecasts on entity but the interation ignores these calls and maintains a total rate limit of around 4 API calls per hour. I also tried changing MAX_REQUESTS_PER_DAY parameter in /usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/tomorrowio/ from default of 100 to 450, but that also does not change anything.
Ah. Pity. Going faster does not necessarily mean the forecasts at the server are updated at the same speed though. If it is current weather you are after you are better off with sensors, and forecasts themselves rarely update that fast.
I understand, but it’s very frustrating to encounter a hardcoded limit that seems to have no valid reason. will be happier when it is less, more people can be served with less cost. Their rate limit is a maximum, not a recommendation. But I get it, I too want to get the most out of everything.
I know this comment will come off as sarcasm, but I assure you it’s not.
Is there any tangible benefit to requesting a weather forecast more than 4 times an hour?
Are you actually seeing a mismatch between what is reporting and what you see in your HA instance?
Unless you’re staring at the dashboard or have some time-critical automations based on the current weather, the state can only be out by 14 minutes 59 seconds, max.