Moes BHT-002 "Not supported"

Hi there! I’m having a hard time trying to pair my new moes bht-002 with Home Assistant OS (using z2MQTT)

Problem is, after pairing (unsuccessful) i get “not supported” in status line:

[i’ll translate from italian]

Device class: router
Zigbee model: TS0601
Zigbee Manufacturer: _TZE204_xalsoe3m
Support state: not supported

Zero arguments exposed, zero entities. Tried to reboot it, tried to delete it and add it again but i’ve had no luck.

I have no idea what to do now, i expected it to work just straight away… and i fear i lack knowledge to force it to work tho, but let’s see what you guys think about it :slight_smile:

I have also tried another BHT-002 from a friend of mine, and it works, although his manufacturer is TZE204_aoclfnxz

Thanks to anyone stopping by and tryna help :slight_smile:

I am having the same problem. I bought three devices, two of the TZE204_xalsoe3m which connect to Z2MQTT but will not work and one TZE204_aoclfnxz which works intermittent.