Moes BRT-100 TRV does not respond to temperature change request

The quirk I originally posted and tweaked no longer works. It seems it requires the new section thats in the quirk linked to by @highsciguy.

Initial testing seems to show it working.

I’m sorry, but I don’t understand what that means. Moes TRV can only work with zigbee2mqtt now?

No. ZHA still works using this revised quirk:


Thank you. You’re a magician sir!

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You made my day, thank you so much! …how do you do that? :slight_smile:

Hi @Rofo,

I am trying to get an automation to work with the device, but I cannot figure how to control the target temperature on the thermostat…
I am just trying to create a script, selecting the device and I have available actions against all attributes but the target temperature of the thermostat…
Have you observed that and do you have any idea how to solve this?

And all the best for 2024! :slight_smile:

OK… This was just me not understanding how this works yet… :slight_smile:

Answer: You need to use the Climate: Set target temperature service

alias: Set downstairs temperature to day time
  - service: climate.set_temperature
      entity_id: climate.xxxx
      temperature: 21
mode: single
icon: mdi:thermometer-low


i recently bought two BRT-100 TRVs. After i add them to my ZHA i just got two entities.
I found this thread and added the custom quirk for the the beca trv. Now i maybe got all the entities. But some things are not working as intendent i guess.

  1. The Window Detection Switch just activate the feature, but is it possible to set the mode “window is open” with an external sensor? I though there should be one more entity for this.

  2. Im able to control the temperature, but im not able to set the preset mode. If i change the mode on the valve directly it updates in HA, but not the other way around.

  3. what is the binary sensor stands for? I guess its something like the state of the window? But i dont no what exactly.

Thanks :slight_smile:

The “Window Detection” turns on or off the window open detection, the binary sensor is whether an open window has been detected.
I don’t use the presets, so can’t help with that.

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When using it with better thermostat integration and with contact sensor that can determine is window or door opened, it works. It will turn off trv if window or door is opened and restore trv back to its set temperature once window or door is closed.
I’m using automation for that.

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Ok, got it…i control the Window Detection by an Automation or Better Thermostat.

No or. Better thermostat integration and automation. This trv have no off mode and that why you need this integration. To turn it back on use automation.
This is mine automation for turning it back on.

alias: Luka bedroom radiator
description: Turn on radiator when balcony door is closed
  - platform: state
      - binary_sensor.luka_balcony_door_sensor_contact
    from: "on"
    to: "off"
condition: []
  - choose:
      - conditions:
          - condition: state
            entity_id: binary_sensor.buderus_hk1_sommer_modus
            state: "off"
          - condition: state
            entity_id: climate.luka_bedroom_radiator_2
            state: "off"
          - service: climate.turn_on
            data: {}
              entity_id: climate.luka_bedroom_radiator_2
mode: single

I managed to got it running. Im not using better Thermostat becauae its Overkill for my usecase, so im using an automation blueprint called “Advanced Heating Control”.
Since this automation Supports an external Sensor, i tried to sync it with the trv via the temperature_calibration attribute.
But now i See some issues with the Update ratio, the Temperature at the Sensor isnt properly Update to home Assistant.
I guess this is an common issue, anybody else got this issue and maybe got an workaround?