I just picked up a couple of these today saw this thread. I’m using zigbee2mqtt and wanted the color temperature to work as well so I created this blueprint. It works in command mode and will set brightness (just turn the dial) and color temperature (press and turn the dial) as long as the light has max_mired and min_mired like the tplink bulbs I have do. It requires the mqtt topic to get the data from and uses the action_step_size to match the speed of the dial to how fast to change the brightness or color temp. Single press will toggle on and off.
Thanks! I got stuck a little with this one as it didn’t respond very well to my actions and all was really slow. (Maybe because by default it doesn’t have “mode: restart”?). It sucked and was quite dissappointed with it.
But with this good blueprints, it’s quite OK. Thanks again.
I made a copy without the manufacturer lock, because I have “_TZ3000_qja6nq5z” there.
I just discovered this device, and setting in up with your blueprint made it very easy to control things. Thanks to all of you !
At this time, I wondered if it’s possible to control devices instead of lights, that’s why I got my hands dirty and made a version inspired by the improved version of gonzaloalbito !
It’s my first blueprint so it’s possible that there are a few things that could be changed
And here is another version where step_size is used and mode is queued, so you it doesn’t matter how fast you rotate. It feels much smoother than the original.
I also removed al redundant conditions and manufacturer, since my device was different)
press toggles the light
rotate changes brightness
press-rotate changes the color temperature (or hue, see next point)
long press switches the lamp between rgb and color temperature
tripple click switches the device into a separate mode where double click and long click are available. This blueprint just writes to the console but you can adapt as necessary
I’ve just bought one of these, and I’ve used mateine’s blueprint as it looks like the latest on here.
Works fine for on / off and dimming, but I can’t get it to change the colour temperature.
Mine is a TS004F
by _TZ3000_qja6nq5z
It’s supposedly a “Moes” device, but it’s from AliExpress, so could easily be rebranded.
I can see there is an quirk loaded for it: Quirk: zhaquirks.tuya.ts004f.TuyaSmartRemote004FROK
I’ve not had to troubleshoot zigbee issues yet, and I don’t really understand the code in the blueprint for changing colour.
I have a Moes smart knob (the black and grey one), and the ZHA event doesn’t have the parameters you use in your blueprint, which seems necessarry to implement double and long press actions.
I only get: