Moes WiFi or Zigbee

Does anyone use the Moes dimmer switches in home assistant and can you control the dimming and get on/off state? if it’s working how did you integrate it? local or through mylife?

I have 3, but they were (luckily) of they old type, and managed to tasmotize them… had some issues with dual dimmers, so switched to esphome to great satisfaction.

Nowadays i wouldn’t know what i’d do…
I do have one tuya switch, i run it locally though…really don’t like cloud stuff :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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How do the new firmware moes switches integrate into home asssistant?

According the page you linked, it support Tuya:
MOES WiFi RF Smart Light Dimmer Switch Tuya APP

I use this HACS repository for my (single) tuya switch:

Is it better to get the zigbee version? Is it better or easier to integrate local with it?

My tuya also suports RF443, but haven’t managed to pair it with HA.

i suspect it is possible, when the tuya device is in ‘pairing’ mode, it just listens to the first RF433 code it receives and associates itself with it (I found out when it accidentally managed to pair itself with a motion sensor nearby)

You say your tuya switch supports rf433, you mean one of those that can be activated by self-powered kinetic switches?

@Zhyrclew yup, got ome dual gang switch like that…
It’s working on local tuya now, but last time i fiddled with it, it got accidentally paired with a nearby motion sensor (basically that is how i realized it had RF433 :yum:)
But, i still haven’t figured out how to pair it with HA’s RF433 bridge…:thinking:

Huh? I don’t understand, I don’t think you need to pair it with HA to make it work with the self-powered RF433 switches? What do you mean, “local tuya”, you mean tuya hub or a tuya integration in HA?

The switches themselves aren’t using RF433 they are just plain hardwired switches.

And when the unit is in pairing mode, it waits for an external RF433 code; it doesn’t send any.
So the whole RF433 functionality is quite useless when it involves HA (don’t confuse RF433 with Zigbee, it’s not the same :wink:)
I use the local tuya integration