Moes Zigbee Thermostat show wrong vlaue

Hi, I could not include an moes TS0601 into my ti stick so I used the tuya zigbee gateway,
now I have the issue it shows the wrong values.
Screenshot 2022-03-23 123906
has anyone maybe a solution for me?
should I use zigbee2mqtt and try again.
I prefer my zigbee stick not tuya gateway, it was just a emergency solution…

The device probably needs a ZHA Device Handler (custom “quirk”) for divider and multiplier values :

Start by searching if there is any existing “issues” about this device ID and if not post a new “issue”:

Zigbee2MQTT similarly uses zigbee-herdsman-converters to parse messages to and from devices

PS: Editing an existing quirk/converter to change divider and multiplier values should not be too hard, so it will mostly be a matter of experimenting with different division/multiplication values in a custom quirk/converter to find the correct value for your device.

@Hedda would you use zigbee2mqtt? or zha?

If you can code/script and prefer Python over JavaScript/TypeScript then suggest you use ZHA instead of Zigbee2MQTT, and vice versa, that way you can at least edit your own quirks/converters and contribute them back to the community, but if you can not code/script then suggest that you try out both, even at the same time (which will require you to buy an additional Zigbee Coordinator adapter).

Personally, I currently use two CC2652 based USB adapters (one Sonoff Plus USB dongle and one ZZH USB dongle right now) to the same Home Assistant instance myself at home in order to utilize both the ZHA integration and Zigbee2MQTT for different Zigbee devices, (so one dedicated USB dongle per Zigbee platform, with both connected to the same computer with Home Assistant OS).

I primarily use the ZHA integration for the majority of my Zigbee devices because its component is natively integrated into Home Assistant (so do not have to deal with MQTT for it) and only use Zigbee2MQTT for a couple of newer non-standard devices that do not have full support in ZHA yet.

One of the main downsides with using both solutions at the same time is that I need to have a baseline of at least a few Zigbee Router devices in both of those totally separate Zigbee networks/meshes.

I think because Zigbee2MQTT still has a larger/broader community it does tend to get faster support for less common and odd niche Zigbee devices that deviate further from Zigbee standard specifications and therefore needing custom quirks/converter code for each individual device and function/attributes. ZHA userbase is gaining momentum with more Home Assistant users using it which will hopefully also lead o more contributors of custom quirks and ZHA developers.

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Sounds good, maybe I will use the same way.
zigbee2mqtt and zha
thanks for the description

I like that ZHA is native part of Homeassistant, but after I wrote a ZHA quirk for one Tuya TRV, I can tell you that in ZHA environment the limitations are too binding. Which is very ironic, because the manufacturer ignored zigbee standard and now you have to obey it. :expressionless:

Let me give you example. If you want to write a child lock functionality as homeassistant switch entity, it’s not possible to set name of this switch inside of your code (zigbee standard don’t includes description or name for switch entity). So in HA it will be shown only as nameless on_off switch, which is ok for as a programmer, but not for user.
Another case is scheduler. Currently it is nearly impossible to set scheduler in TRV from Homeassistant while using ZHA, because you are limited to HA entities. The other case is Z2M which uses it’s own webadmin where you can manage the scheduler and many more.

Whats your solution? using zigbee2mqtt?

If you want native integration, no intention to setup MQTT or fiddle with settings, than ZHA. But if you want total control then Z2M.

I can compare it with iOS vs Android. If you like iPhone because it’s easy to use and it just works, then ZHA. But if you want to tweak every little detail to be precisely as you want it then Z2M.

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Nice description thanks,