Moisture sensor recommendation


I am looking for cheap and dicreet air moisture sensors. I would prefere wireless with long battery lifetimes, displays are not really necessary as it will be only used in the dashboard or automations.
In total I need around 8 (one for each room, hall etc.)
Did you experience any good one and can share your recommendations?

Furthermore I am also looking for a reliable pipe moisture sensor able to detect condensate (“pipe sweating”). This one can be also wired and nasty as it will be only placed in my control room. Anyhow, wirless is also in option here.

Many thanks in advance.

aqara zigbee, small, cheap (under 10€ each), long life, rock solid



thanks for your swift response!
Is it this one you are mentioning?

As I see it a Aqara brige/hub is required, right?

No, you can use Zigbee2MQTT and ZHA too.

Hi, I have a few of these SONOFF SNZB-02 ZigBee Temperature & Humidity Sensor and am quite happy with them.
Installed in October '21 and 2 of them still have the first battery.

I don’t know how they perform on accuracy compared to others, maybe someone else can comment on that.

Sidenote: I also use a few Sonoff zigbee buttons (SNZB-01) and like them too, especially their batteries last like forever so for these 2 devices, I’m pleased with what they sell.
Be aware that their motion sensors (SNZB-03) are a PITA!

yes, i have one of them for each room and i’m managing them through the skyconnect adapter. No need for the official hub, they are just zigbee devices…

Edit to add: obviously i have no elements to say they are better than similan Sonoff devices, they are just what i’m using and i’m quite satisfied :slight_smile: just take the cheaper zigbee device you find, if you do not need to have absolute correctness of values (i assume none of those are…)

I just found out that they have revised some products and the temp & hum sensor is also available in a newer version (SNZB-02P)
The shape has changed from square to round but more important, the battery life should now last as long as 4 years!

I also noticed that the Aqara seems to be about twice the price of Sonoff, don’t know what the difference in quality is like.

Great thanks to you all!
I just ordered both, the Sonoff and the Aqara once and will compare them. Then I will order the remaining sensors based on my preference after testing.

Regarding the pipe sensor, did anybody experienced a ZigBee device for that application too? It would actually be nice if now when I start using Zigbee devices this sensor can be in the same environment.

Just throwing in a second vote for the Aqara T/H sensors. I have 7 of them and they work really well on my mesh.

damn is the sonoff costing less that 5€? this would be awesome!

Today best prices here in Germany was around 18,50€ for Aqara and 11€ for Sonoff SNZB-02P

i got my aqaras on Ali, under 10€ each (Sonoff seems aligned in price on Ali, can’t explain that)

I have three of those Aqara sensors and don’t really like them. They work well enough but they eat batteries rapidly. In a few months I’ve replaced the coin batteries twice already. I have a handful of battery Zigbee and they all last quite a while but for some reason these don’t. I also notice when the batteries get low it causes chatter or something because I’ll see other devices fall off Zigbee and go right back when new batteries are installed in those Aqara.

I’ve seen this on two of my T/H sensors. For some reason they just chew through batteries for no reason. My other ones are fine and last for months… I wonder if it’s location perhaps… One of them is in my attic, so wild temp swings but also low signal and the other one is in my crawlspace, so same thing. The ones I have in rooms with good signal, no issues at all.

Both of mine are inside, so no wild temps just strange and interesting people :slight_smile:

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my interim feedback is quite unparticular. Both sensors work perfectly and provide similar values (along first decimal place). LQI is comparable too.
I like the Sonoff slightly more due to its round shape, but thats of course just my personal preference.

I will keep you updated about any long term issues and battery lifetimes.

I’m wondering, if you could explain this to me, why do you (or people in general, not just OP) need humidity measurement in every room?

I have a few dumb humidity sensors in my house and in my experience every room has the same humidity, within a couple percentage points (if measured by the same sensor model).

The only exceptions are bathrooms after showers (obviously) and rooms that have significantly different temperature (typically if they get temporarily warmer due to south facing windows). The second one is because warmer air can hold more moisture, so the relative humidity goes down. But the absolute humidity (amount of water in the air) it’s the same.

In my experience humidity is something that is really quick to average out in the house, even if there is seemingly little air movement. Even when we use humidifier in one room, it quickly affects other rooms.

One thing to note is I don’t have A/C and that may change things a lot. The other thing is that, following the local regulations, there is a significant space between the bottom of my internal doors and the door for ventilation. Not sure if this is the same in other countries.

So I was just curious, why do you need to measure humidity in individual rooms, what’s the use case for that. I feel like I’m missing something.


For me there are two reasons:

First is that we live in a our house only since a few months and I am just curious how air movement and moisture develops and aligns.
Second is that I plan to use our heat pump during summer time to slightly cool down via the floor (single room controlled). To avoid any condensate I am quite interessted in an accurate dew point calculation per room.

But in general I agree that it’s most likely not required to have moisture sensors in every room.

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I don’t need them in every room, but I do need them:

  • I have some dumb humidifiers, so having a humidity sensor tells me when to shut them off or turn them on based on my template humidifiers that I use (I have four)
  • In bathrooms without a humidity sensing fan, I use humidity sensors to indicate if the exhaust fan should come on. The logic is that if a bathroom shower’s humidity level is 10% more than the house then I vent, assuming someone is showering in there
  • A humidity sensor in my attic lets me make sure it’s not getting damp up there, if it is then that means there’s likely a roof leak that is cooking off the water with the high attic temperatures, which equates to humidity which equates to me fixing a roof

Anywhere else I don’t have much use, but in the case of these little units I got one just because it had a temperature sensors on it too and that’s what I really was after in my garage.