Hey All,
I’m trying to figure out the calibration_factor within the mold indicator platform. That calculation is going to be constantly changing as the temperatures change inside and out. As an example, yesterday it was 75 degrees out but today its now 42. So, I created a sensor template that does the calculation with 2 temp sensors that I’m using for testing. First sensor is centered in the room and the second sensor I have resting on the window (which should be the coldest point).
{{ ((states.sensor.austin_temp.state|float) - (states.sensor.dark_sky_temperature.state|float)) / ((states.sensor.office_temp.state|float) - (states.sensor.dark_sky_temperature.state|float)) }}
I still have to mess around with rounding it but currently its giving me a 1.xxxxxxxxxxxxx number. I’d like to take that and use it as the calibration factor so it’s current all the time but the value its looking for is a float.
Is there any way of doing this or am I totally missing something?
Thanks in advance!