Mold_indicator make calibration_factor a dynamic number

Anyway to make the Calibration_factor dynamic?
I honestly don’t understand it. The outside temperature/ humidity constantly changes, i cant go in the config and update the factor constantly. Can I make the factor 1.0 and then calculate the factor in HA somehow?


  - platform: mold_indicator
    name: mold_indicator_kitchen
    indoor_temp_sensor: sensor.aqara_temp_sensor_id_1
    indoor_humidity_sensor: sensor.aqara_humidity_sensor_id_1
    outdoor_temp_sensor: sensor.aqara_temp_sensor_id_2
  # calibration_factor = (temp_indoor - temp_outdoor) / (temp_criticalpoint - temp_outdoor)  = 2.0 was default
    calibration_factor: 2.7


  - platform: template
        value_template: |
          {{((states('sensor.avg_current_room_temp')|float - states('sensor.aqara_temp_sensor_id_2')|float) / (states('sensor.aqara_temp_sensor_id_1')|float - states('sensor.aqara_temp_sensor_id_2') |float))}}

No you can’t change it with a service and no it does not accept templates.

The assumption that this value is constant is a major failing of this integration.

I used an outside temperature sensor and a temperature sensor on my aluminium window frame inside to calculate the calibration factor for a week with a template sensor and saw widely varying values. At least one order of magnitude. Even when only considering values where the indoor vs outdoor temperature difference was large. There was no point taking an average (my original plan).

From observation of my windows I’ve found that simply turning on my dehumidifier if the outside temperature falls below 10 degrees is sufficient to prevent condensation.

Yeah depending on the conditions its been going up and down way too much. So its not really usable to give good data.

I will have to look for a different solution.

Ultimatley I want to turn on fans, dehumidfiers while out of the country via Automations or remote control.