Is there a Monit component? Ie something that can connect to a Monit server and display its data as sensors?
It seems like a decent usecase but after a search I’m surprised to find it’s not there, so just checking if I’ve missed anything.
Is there a Monit component? Ie something that can connect to a Monit server and display its data as sensors?
It seems like a decent usecase but after a search I’m surprised to find it’s not there, so just checking if I’ve missed anything.
I’m not aware of any Monit component but you may still define command line sensors to execute “$MONIT/bin/monit -c $MONIT/conf/monitrc summary -B | grep yourcheck |awk ‘{print $2}’” via ssh at regular intervals.
It’s actually a remote monit instance I’d like to check, and perhaps have all checks already presented as sensors as appropriate. Neat workaround though!
I wonder if anyone has done this at all? I have a workaround that uses Node-Red, sends an http request for an XML output http://192.168.x.x:2812/_status?format=xml
converts it to JSON and then sends to MQTT. In theory there is a JSON output from the API, but it is not a valid JSON string and it is easier to convert the XML.
As it is possible to use the http call, it should be reasonably easy to generate a component I’d have thought but outside my knowledge though.
How did you do that, since i am a newby on MQTT and Node-Red?
I used this
[{"id":"6f894dcc.5b6a74","type":"http request","z":"25794873.4b59d8","name":"Get Monit Status - 47","method":"GET","ret":"txt","url":"","tls":"","x":333.55556869506836,"y":309.99999618530273,"wires":[["410792c0.467a0c"]]},{"id":"410792c0.467a0c","type":"function","z":"25794873.4b59d8","name":"xmlToJsonStr","func":"/*\nTo use this node install xml2json.\nsudo npm install xml2json\nDo not install it globally\nEdit settings.js to 'require' the module\n*/\n// get an instance of the module\nvar parser ='xml2json');\n// set the options\nvar options = {\n object: true, //returns a JSON object\n reversible: false,\n coerce: false,\n sanitize: true,\n trim: true,\n arrayNotation: false,\n alternateTextNode: false\n};\n\n//var xml = msg.payload;\n\n// xml to json \nvar json = parser.toJson(msg.payload, options);\n\nmsg.payload = json;\nmsg.topic = \"monit/\"+json.monit.server.localhostname;\n\n\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":607.1110610961914,"y":315.55554580688477,"wires":[["153a3fe7.46012"]]}]
and passed the result to MQTT.
BUT you need the xml2json npm package installed and I could not get it to work on the Node-Red add-on (it worked on a standalone Node-Red).
I have started using the RESTful API (RESTful sensor, XML and Monit) although I can’t work out how to get the information out cleanly using templates.
Remember to enable the httpd in the /etc/monitrc
(or even better create a drop-in by adding the file /etc/monitd/00-default
with your settings.
I have also found the httpd service does not always start correctly on boot. It is because the documentation recomends the
as the wants
. I create this service file /lib/systemd/system/monit.service
and load the service from that.
Description=Pro-active monitoring utility for unix systems
ExecStart= /usr/bin/monit -I -c /etc/monit/monitrc
Note you must use
rather than
to ensure the httpd service starts after a reboot.
There is some sort of Monit basic API:
You may get more parameters looking at the code [1].
@Gaijin66 my current setup (sensor component);
- platform: rest
name: Unifi Memory
resource: http://192.168.X.X:2812/_status?format=xml
unit_of_measurement: '%'
value_template: '{{ (value_json.monit.service.system.memory.percent | int) }}'
- platform: rest
name: Monit Hassio
resource: http://192.168.Y.Y:2812/_status?format=xml
json_attributes_path: "$.monit"
value_template: 'OK'
- "platform"
- "server"
- "service"
- platform: template
value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.monit_hassio', 'service').system.cpu.user }}"
value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.monit_hassio', 'service').system.load.avg01 }}"
value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.monit_hassio', 'service').system.memory.percent }}"
On the Monit front, you need to enable the httpd function. Plus I discovered that in the systemd service file the
should be
else the service does not start correctly (they have updated the Wiki).