How can I monitor my Harmony remote?
I want to know which button is pressed.
Does anybody explain me how to create this in Node-Red?
This is not possible. You need a workaround like emulated roku (I use this myself to dim lights on play and it works pretty well).
I’ve installed integration EmulatedRoku
Can you send me an node-red example how to monitor remotekeys?
I don’t have a roku. Only HarmonyHub & harmony remote.
i also don’t own a Roku, that’s why it’s emulated Roku. It emulates a Roku TV, you should see it as an available device in the Harmony Remote. You need to add it to your activities and then create actions that for each button oress you want to be able to detect. E.g. I use it with the play/pause button. I create an action in Harmony that executes the play command and presses some button on the emulated Roku remote. I then assign this action to the play button. In home assistant you’ll then receive an event when the button on the emulated roku is pressed.
You can then use this evebt in node-red. I don’t use node-red, so can’t help there.
Thanks Burningstone.
I’ve created an activity in Harmony as you wrote.
The challenge is Node-red.