Monitor HA server availability


Does anybody know a way to monitor if HA is available from internet (outside home)?
I would like to receive a message (email, pushbullet, MQTT, etc.) when the server is not reachable (power/internet outage at home).

Does anybody know if such service exist somewhere?

Thank you.

Check this out Alfredo. This looks like an easy do it yourself method.

Heh, that looks pretty cool - think I’ll give it a try as well :slight_smile:

I think I owed you one. :smile:

Apparently they upgraded it and the new link is here

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We’re even now - who’s going to help who next ???

Actually I also owe you for the glances thing - hadn’t heard of it until you mentioned it now I have it on 2 PIs :slight_smile:

Thank you! I think that this is what I was looking for :slight_smile:

I will try it right now.

I have to check this again; I set everything up according to the directions and it said it was initialized but this morning I don’t see any entries in it. I must have done something wrong. If either of you get this working let me know.

It is working for me. You don’t see any entry until the first “System Down”.
Try to stop HA and wait. After 5-10 minutes you should receive the email and one entry is done on the excel table. Unfortunately the SMS is not available any more on the free Google calendar accounts.

I’m wondering if it is possible to view the Google script code… During the activation, you are giving permissions to the script to do quite a lot of things with your Google account. (like sending emails on your behalf, modify your calendar, etc…)

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Ah, that’s why I’m seeing nothing. So it only puts in a log entry when something is actually unreachable. That makes sense. Thanks, Alfredo!

What URL do you use outside of your local network?

I use as a dynamic DNS provider, so I use the domain name I set up there.

uptime robot is supposed to be good

Thank you callmebot. It seems to be what I was looking for :+1:

I use uptime robot which sends a message to my telegram client.

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I’ve recently run up an instance of StatPing on a $5/m DigitalOcean instance - it has a web interface, but more importantly alerts via Slack

I cant remember where I found StatPing - it was either here or on reddit


I second Statping. It is an outstanding tool. It’s free and ships with a free app up to I think 10 services! It also has an API which I would love to some day see implemented into HA.

I use and Both tools support Telegram Phone Calls throuh
So when my HA server is going down, I receive a nice phone call on my mobile. And everything is free for personal usage. :star_struck:

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