Monitoring moisture

I recently discovered an issue in my attic where there wasnt sufficient air flow so moisture built up on the underside of my roof and on the rafters. It’s bad enough that I have water spots on my ceiling and even water running down my siding. I’d like to monitor for this in the future. Does anyone know of a noisture sensor that plays well with HA? A water sensor wouldn’t really work, it would need to sense moisture like what’s in the picture.

You could put a temperature and humidity sensor of some sort up there and use this component:

to trigger alerts.

You should probably look into some roof space ventilation to try and solve the problem.

Thanks, Tom. We are getting a new contractor involved to fix the problem. The roof was replaced a few years ago. It looks like the roofer didn’t cut in any ventilation and they dumped the bathroom exhaust fans in the roof. This has become such a pain that i want to make sure it doesn’t happen again. An ounce of prevention…

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