Monitoring PC Game Score send to HA with actionable notification on Android

I am monitoring PC game using Python and OpenCV, PyTesseract (OCR) locally on the PC to capture score from the game including user, date and time and score data (score 1 - user and score 2 - opposition) and full screen image. I want to:

  1. Feed the the data from local PC into Promox HomeAssistant server to an object, card or something so that the current state scores can be seen on HomeAssistant dashboard . e.g. Tom Score: 5 Opponent: 10 screenshot.jpg
  2. Get actionable notification to Android Mobile when either score 1 or score 2 reaches 12 include the full screen screenshot in he message and also send a text to speech message to google mini speaker that score has reached 12.

Has anyone got any ideas of how to data from local PC into HomeAssistant running in proxmox server on the network and what needs to be created in HomeAssistant to access the data? And how the actionable notifications would work?