Monitoring Previous State Over Time

I am wanting to create a notification to alert me if my boiler needs restarting. My boiler sits outside so I don’t have direct visibility of it.

I do however have a Tado system that calls for heat. The tado component tracks heating power and I have temp sensors in certain rooms. Obviously if the boiler isn’t started the radiators are cold despite the tado requesting heat.

So I can trigger on when the tado heating power is 100% but what I can’t figure out is how to track if the temp has gone up over a period of time and use that as a condition.


Trigger: tado heat 100%
Condition: tado heat = 100% for 10 minutes
And: temp in lounge hasn’t increased in that 10 minutes???
Action: notify me on iOS.

Any help appreciated.

When you detect that 100% power, store the lounge temp in an input_number and start a timer for 10 mins.
Write an automation that triggers when the timer finishes, in condition compare current lounge temperature with the stored one and if there is no significant difference, send a notification.

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Thanks. Reading about they date time input I don’t know how it will store a value of 20.5 degrees when it seems to be specific to date or time.

Sorry, that input_datetime belongs to my initial plan.
Of course you need to use input_number to store temperature.

Thanks. Seems that would do the trick. I’ll give it a bash and report back. Thanks for the input :slightly_smiling_face:

The statistics sensor component has an attribute that might be worth looking at: change_rate

If it’s anything like I expect (hope?) it would be positive for increasing values and negative for decreasing ones, if it’s not positive after e.g. 10 minutes you should know that the heat didn’t come on.

Quite right, whenever I need something like this I go to the components page and click on ‘utility’ - there are some great but little known sensors there.