Monitoring servers and VMs running on my network

i’d like to monitor these things, have them listed on my HA homepage, perhaps with some kinda green icon for responding and red icon for not.

–freenas [freeBSD]
–endian firewall [linux]
–hass [rpi3-raspbian]
–media player [osx]

–pihole [ubuntu]
–OpenVPN [ubuntu]
–motioneye [ubuntu]

–magic mirror [rpi-zero]
–broadlink mini 3

everything has static IP addresses.

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How deep do you want to go? Is it enough to know they are still on the network?
Then the ping or nmap device tracker component might do the trick.
I use templates to change the home/not home status into online/offline.

yeah i’m playing around with nmap now. can you post a sample of your online/offline template code for me?

I have a whole package for this, it hides the device tracker and translates the status.

The customization is further up the same file…

has anyone integrated FING command line?

it makes these great little charts…


There is a ping sensor. You can use Home Assistant to monitor your systems BUT there are tool out there especially designed for this.

after adding NMAP, now my IOS location tracking has gotten flakey

6:07 AM Stone is at home
6:04 AM Stone is away
5:56 AM Stone is at home
5:51 AM Stone is away
5:37 AM Stone is at home
5:34 AM Stone is away

it was working fine with using just the IOS app, but after adding NMAP yesterday to track my OTHER devices [not the iphone] it’s doing this shit.