Mopidy Home Assistant Mixer Integration Available!

Hi Home Assistant Community,

I’m excited to announce a new integration: Mopidy Home Assistant Mixer! This extension allows you to control the volume of your Mopidy instance directly from Home Assistant, making it easy to sync and control your media player volumes across devices and interfaces.

:fire: Features:

  • Two-Way Volume Sync: Volume changes in either Home Assistant or Mopidy are reflected in real-time.
  • Real-Time Updates: Automatically sync the volume levels of your media players (smart speakers, AV receivers, etc.).
  • Simple Setup: Just add the mixer extension to Mopidy, point it to your Home Assistant media player, and you’re good to go!


Home Assistant entity (media_player) is on the left and Mopidy web interface (IRIS) on the right.


:computer: Requirements:

  • Mopidy >= 3.0
  • Home Assistant (with a media player entity configured)
  • Python >= 3.6

:wrench: Installation:

You can install the integration via pip:

pip install mopidy-homeassistant-mixer

:page_facing_up: Configuration:

Once installed, configure the mixer in your Mopidy config file (mopidy.conf) like this:

enabled = true
api_url = http://your-homeassistant-url:8123
api_token = your-long-lived-access-token
media_player_entity = media_player.your_entity_id

For full details, including setup instructions and configuration examples, check out the GitHub repository.

:rocket: Why use this?

If you use Mopidy for audio playback and Home Assistant for home automation, this integration lets you bring the two platforms closer together. You can use Home Assistant’s automations to adjust volume based on events or conditions, control audio seamlessly across your home, and even sync playback between devices.

Feel free to check it out and provide feedback! Contributions and suggestions are also welcome. I’m looking forward to hearing how the community uses this integration to enhance their smart home setups.

Krzysztof Gorzelak

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