More advanced volume control for Alexa Announcements


I have some automations configured which make Alexa perform voice announcements at specific times of the day.

I’d like to add some additional steps as follows:

  1. I’d like the automation to somehow record the current volume setting prior to making the announcement.
  2. I then want the automation to set the volume to a specific value (most likely 0.8).
  3. Then I want it to make the announcement and reset the volume back to what it was before.

This is mainly so that if the Echo has been turned down to a low volume then the reminder isn’t missed.

Is this possible to do please? Curious if it’s possible using either automation alone or a combination of automation and script (or maybe even using NodeRed).

Please treat me like an idiot - i’m new to a lot of this stuff and the learning curve is pretty steep.

