More focused, slower updates [not solved]

Edit: This post was closed without giving me a chance to respond.

  • Reading the release notes: yes, I can do that, but you’re asking me to do that for every single release, of which there are many. This is fine when I’m not busy, but I’d like my home automation system to run as hands-off as possible

  • Automatic updates: of course I’m not saying to update with breaking changes - although I thought HA was trying to move away from configuration.yaml? You could very easily flag in the release whether there’s any syntax changes. I don’t think I’ve seen any for the last 4 months that broke my particular install.

  • How would HA evaluate which custom integrations I’ve got installed?

By having the changelog be a bit smarter. Let’s say I’m using the LIFX and HomeKit integrations - were there any breaking changes in those? No? That’s fine to update then.

Original post below, which yes, may not have had enough information. I still don’t think this should have been closed.

I would like to have some kind of indicator whether a given update has any effect on what I’m currently using in HA.

At a glance, I could be told whether I need to grab the update or I can wait.

Having some kind of in-use detection would allow automatic updates with less stress.

Finally, I wonder whether the current rapid update schedule is the only way to work. Perhaps Home Assistant LTS could be a thing?

You already have that. It’s called “release notes”.

How would Home Assistant evaluate which custom integrations you have installed? Custom integrations are not part of core and maintaining them is the responsibility of the custom integrations author.

Automatic updates? Who needs the aggravation of automatic updates that have breaking changes that would require some configuration rewrites? Would you like to log into Home Assistant only to find that an automatic overnight update requires you to edit configuration.yaml?

Home Assistant is organic. There are no two alike even though there are thousands of users.