More functions for Conditional Card

I think it would be nice to add more functionality to the conditional card.

State attribute conditions:

type: conditional
  - entity:
    state_not: idle

    attribute: media_content_type
    state_attr_not: music

    attribute: volume_level
    state_attr_below: 0.1

Different logic operators:

type: conditional

logic: or

  - entity:
    state_not: idle
  - entity:
    attribute: media_content_type
    state_attr_not: music

I dont think the conditional card needs to be more complex, as you can set all the conditions yourself in a template sensor and let the card react to that. That way you can make the sensor as complex as you want without the card needing all kind of different options that most will not use.

See OR + AND conditions for Conditional Card

and leave vote 224 of course.

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