More info needed for integration development

Hi everyone,

I have been looking for information to make an integration. Of course I checked the official documentation but it’s not enough for me to understand and write an full integration and I would like to love read more about it. Even on YouTube I’m not finding any information or maybe I don’t haven’t use the right keywords.

I only have setup some basics with hacs so I have a basic integration running but of course I wanna do and learn more.

Any tips, websites or anything, please let me know and help me growing.

Thank y’all in advanced!


I am trying to make a better example for people like you who are starting out. I have more work to do and intend to add more examples as i have time but check this out and let me know what you think and also, what is it you are missing that i can maybe use to add to this.


Thanks Mark, will soon dive it to it :blush: