More powerful Broadlink RF alternative?


I’m using the Broadlink RM4 PRO to controle some dumb motor blinds in my home, using cover template to make the usage easier… Works most of the time.
But lately I’m finding the TX power range of the broadlink to be very limited, placing the Blind OEM Remote next to the RM4, the remote is way, way more powerful, the broadlink sometimes requires 2 or 3 tries to close the more distant covers, this creates a delay when trying to close a group of covers together.

I’m looking for a more powerful solution, I’ve used ESPSomfyRTS for some Somfy motors we have, works absolutely perfectly, it’s a shame that this integration doesn’t support dumb non-RTx fixed-code 433mhz motors.

The alternative I’m looking for can be DIY (similar to ESPSomfyRTS), but not overly complex, and stable enought to not require maintenence.


Maybe this wouldn’t work for your use case - But if you are considering making another purchase anyway, why not just pick up a second Broadlink and place it closer to your more distant blinds?

Yeah, it’s possible, I could place two or three more RM4’s on my space, but It would be ugly because I cant hide it near the 3 blinds that I’m having issues.

But… the TX power isn’t my only complaint about the RM4, but that’s for another topic hahaha