More Schlage BE469 ZWave problems

Things were actually good for a few months. I don’t know exactly what changed but something updated and my ZWave network stopped being responsive. I decided to migrate to a more durable machine, and recreate the ZWave network from scratch. One-by-one I re-added everything, but when it came to the Schlage BE469 deadbolt, I’ve just been stuck dead in the water.

What happens is, I do a S0 secure inclusion of the BE469. It takes a while to interview, but everything shows up and I have all of the data/controls available to me in the ZWaveJS control panel. But everything is unresponsive. I check the debug log, and it looks like events are arriving, but are being discarded:

2021-10-04T06:41:53.051Z SERIAL « 0x010f00040020097105000000ff06010051                                (17 bytes)
2021-10-04T06:41:53.053Z CNTRLR   [Node 032] [~] [Notification] notificationMode: "pull" [Endpoint 0] [internal]
                                   => "pull"
2021-10-04T06:41:53.060Z SERIAL » [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
2021-10-04T06:41:53.061Z DRIVER « [Node 032] [REQ] [ApplicationCommand]
                                      notification type:   Access Control
                                      notification status: 255
                                      notification event:  Manual lock operation
2021-10-04T06:41:53.062Z CNTRLR   [Node 032] command must be encrypted but was received without Security encapsu
                                  lation - discarding it...

So even though HA tells me that it’s a secure connection, apparently my lock thinks it isn’t.

  • I’m using ZWaveJS2MQTT for the deeper debugging/control of the network, with the ZWaveJS server to generate my HA entities.
  • I’m using S0 Encryption, which is what the BE469 supports. (I’m using.a key auto-generated by the ZWaveJS2MQTT control panel.)
  • I’ve changed the batteries in the door lock, I’ve both factory reset the door lock and rebooted my HA machine more times than I can count.
  • I always perform a ZWave Exclusion on the keypad before attempting to include it again.
  • The ZWave USB stick is less than 6 inches from the door lock when I attempt this.

It’s been over a dozen times with the same apparent result: ZWaveJS thinks it’s a secure connection, but my lock disagrees.

Any advice here?

