More sensors for WorldTides component

Right now, the WorldTides component only returns succinct data, as per the picture below

In order for such a component to be really useful, more info is needed, such as an actual tide chart for the next few days. A graph, like what can be found on WorldTides website, would be great.
From the API doc, 7 days of data should be easily retrievable:

Normally the amount of data returned for heights or extremes is limited to 7 days (with the default step size). However if maxcalls is specified more data can be requested, but will be charged for 1 call per 7 day period for extremes or 1 call per 336 steps for heights (which is equivalent to 7 days with the default step size).

A low scan interval, e.g. once every 24 hours, could be used to stay within the free plan.

Here is a description of available API calls:

heights	If this parameter is present the tidal heights will be calculated and returned.
By default the heights will be returned from 6 hours ago to 42 hours in the future in 30 minutes intervals. You can specify the start, length and/or step parameters to customize this.
extremes	If this parameter is present the low and high tides will be returned.
By default the heights will be returned from 6 hours ago to 42 hours in the future. You can specify the start and length parameters to customize this.

The returned data coud then be used to make a chart via Home Assistant.

It’d be great if someone more able than me could help!

I’ve made improvement in WorldTideInfo in order to add curve for tide.
Hope if it an help

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