More than one Arduino board

Hi. I’m into discussion about using more than one Arduinos connected with Rpi

I saw some good examples of wiring entire house using FTP cables and connect lights and all sensors using patch panel. This idea is good because every sensor is wired and I know this works well.
There is a catch:
To connect all sensors this method I need to connect more than 1 Arduino Mega (not enough pins for all cirquits in one Arduino).

I think there is no way to configure more than one Arduino in configuration.yaml (switch problem). This can be done in Domoticz. If I’m wrong lease guide me how to configure more than one Arduino switch…?

Maybe you guys could implement more files (eg.,,, I think this is not much work inside code od Home Assistant, and this could help someone like me to hard-wire all “intelligent installation”?

Best regards

I’ve created custom components for this - GIT REPO Arduino Boards extension
This files are copied from HA and modified to be a separate component. Is there is a possibility to have this apply into new Hassio release? Of course it’s possible to generate an incrementation inside one file but I’m still new in HA development so I left each Arduino in sepatate file.

Best regards :slight_smile:

Hi @Michal_Nowakowski
thank you for creating the custom components for Arduino Board extension.
I wonder if that would also work for the component Firmata ?
Because I’m using Firmata to control my Arduino and I would like to connect a second Arduino via USB.
Maybe you have any idea?
thank you

Yes - please use Mysensors instead of Firmata. It is easier to manage and you can use more Arduinos this way (I have 6 Arduinos connected via USB Hub to Rpi and this do the job well)

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Have you met some issues with mixing of ports in your RPi? Admittedly I use Dell Wyse with Proxmox and have two boards connected to it via USB. Unfortunately, both boards have the same vendor/product ID and every time I unplug a board and plug it again, my system is mixing the ports and of course there is no communication and nothing works as it should.