More than one wrong values in the energy Board


i just migrated my HA from a 32 GB to 128 GB Card, by using a full backup. Everything works fine so far.
But I have wrong values in my energy dashboard as produced PV in 8.10. 6500 KWH…
I would be happy if my energy provider has the same value :wink: but i don’t think so …
Is it Possible to copy and past the full energy date base from the OL 32 GB Card?
I don’t know how to find the data.
I know about the new function to make data correct in the statistic but i have a lot and had to spend Days for di that value per value

On your old card will be a file named home-assistant_v2.db you can copy it to the new system.

Stop Home Assistant.

Copy the home-assistant_v2.db file to your new installation config folder.

Start Home Assistant.

You can stop and start home assistant from the CLI:

ha core stop
ha core start

thank you for the fast response…but how can I have access to the DB?
I stopped the core in Terminal and lost connection, :joy:

You can use an SSH application on another computer, the SSH addon keeps running even when the core is stopped. Or the SAMBA share addon, same applies.

:+1: DONE
HA Community → great

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