Morning automation with TTS report and News summary

Hi Everyone,

I’ve written a detailed write up of my morning automation, which includes a TTS report/briefing and playback of the latest news from the BBC:

I’d be happy to hear of any improvements anyone can suggest to this.

I also feel that there aren’t enough detailed write ups on specific parts of people’s setups. We’re not short of example configs on GitHub, but it can often be difficult to piece together all the parts that made things work. This is something I’m trying to address in this post, so I’d be happy to hear feedback on whether people would like to see more of these kind of posts.

Happy Automating!


Excellent write up. I don’t abide with the TV on in the morning, but the ideas are easily adopted to other media players :slight_smile:

nice, I have something similar where my assistant also tells me about the commute to work and my next family appointment: