Mosquitto broker does not permit me to "you can use Home Assistant users too, without any configuration."

I have bene trying to set up home assistant again from scratch, to fix some issues, and just clean up some of the “hacked” together stuff. This has been nothing short of a nightmare so far.

Topic says it all. I created a user, it is set to active, not set to local access, not set to admin, and when I use MQTT Explorer, it won’t let me log in with it.

Hi ShadowWizard1,

I am sending you good vibes to get thru your configuration changes.
Honestly I just put the Mosquitto logins into the add-on config…
I too have not understood completely what the gui wants there.

Been doing this for years.


Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. Took a bit of fiddling, but I managed to get it going. Thank you.

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