Mosquitto Broker Integration vs Mosquitto Broker add-on on hassio

Hi there,

This could be a stupid question, but what is the difference between Mosquitto Broker Integration and Mosquitto Broker add-on on hassio (Supervisor section)? Should I use one of them or I need both of them? If they both use the 1883 port how is this working?
When I migrate from a installed version of HA to this HASSIO appliance on a raspberry 4, I adde the Mosquitto integration (needed for shelly and other) but that wouldn’t work until I have the add-on also added. However I see that the integration have 95 entities.


The addon needs to be run to use the integration (unless you’re going to run a broker on another system). Start up the addon, then you configure it via the integration.

Follow the How to use section of the addon documentation and the last step is about configuring the integration

To use the Mosquitto as a broker, go to the integration page and install the configuration with one click:

  1. Navigate in your Home Assistant frontend to ConfigurationIntegrations .
  2. MQTT should appear as a discovered integration at the top of the page
  3. Select it and check the box to enable MQTT discovery if desired, and hit submit.
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Thank you very much for your reply.
However let me put another related question: I have 24 zigbee devices on zigbee2mqtt and they are on the MQTT integration. I also have some shellys configured on lights.yaml (included in configuration.yaml) configured as plataforma: mqtt. These ones doesn’t appear on that integration, they are shown on entities (not on devices) as lights. Is this normal?


I’ve never used zigbee2mqtt, but it looks like you already should have an MQTT broker set up for your installation to work. Did you set that up manually somewhere else already? You might look in your configuration.yaml, referencing the mqtt broker docs

MQTT entries configured in .yaml only show up as entities, never as devices. To have devices your MQTT devices need to be auto-discovered.

Ok, I understand that.
Meanwhile I logged in via ssh and was able to see mosquito logs.