Mosquitto instructions

I’m trying to troubleshoot why my LED lights are not working after I starting from scratch. I think it might be a MQTT issue even though my client is successfully connecting. In the instructions for Mosquitto, it says the following

  1. Install the Mosquitto add-on with the default configuration via ‘ > ADD-ON STORE’. (Don’t forget to start the add-on & verify that ‘Start on boot’ is enabled.)
  2. Create a new user for MQTT via the Configuration > Users (manage users) . (Note: This name cannot be “homeassistant” or “addon”)
  3. Once back on-line, return to Configuration > Integrations and select configure next to MQTT .

however, when I go to Integrations and click on MQTT: Mosquitto Broker, there is no nothing to configure. The page is blank.

There is nothing to configure on Integration page. I scratched my head over a day on this. You need to go to the add on page for Mosquito and scroll down where you see the config section. Add your newly created username and password under login and save. Restart is a good idea afterwards. The username and password you set above are the one client should use. Hipe it helps.

DON’T do that! If you create a Home Assistant user you don’t need to add it to the addon configuration (and if you do add it it will mean you need to set up ACL as well)…

I didn’t have to create any ACL for the user I added to the add-on. It works fine so far.