I am trying to set up 3 different tablets for each floor in my house. Right now I am accesing everything solely through Nabu Casa, on all 3 tablets (through Fully), from computer, and from a couple of companion apps.and I have set up 3 non-admin users, one for each floor, that only have access to two views: my main overview page, which only has 3 button cards navigating to each floor’s dashboard, and the dashboard for that floor (so 1st floor user can only access 1st floor dash, 2nd floor only 2nd floor dash, etc). Because they get logged out somewhat regularly, I have each of them set with a simple login and password. Because of that, I’m worried they might be insecure.
Should I be worried about attacks on non-admin user logins with easy passwords when used with Nabu Casa, or is that not a strong risk?
If it is a risk, is there a better login method (I’d prefer not multi-factor since these are supposed to be simple)?
Should I enable them local network only? I don’t have local network secured with SSL currently, not sure if that’s an issue either or would leave them less secure
Sorry if this is basic stuff.