I have some motion-activated LED floodlights outside my house.
These are powered via a Shelly Pro4PM between sunset and sunrise, to save on standby energy, which is 3.7W - measured by the Pro4PM.
If one or more of these get activated during the night, drawn power raises up to 12-50W, depending on the number of lights “ON”. This clearly indicates movement outside.
Now, for my question:
How can I transfer the power-level (ABOVE 4W) to a binary Sensor Signal similar to a Shelly Motion sensor (TRUE / FALSE) and have this being available as an entity?
This binary_sensor.outside_motion will go to on each time the power of the 4PM will be above 4W. And with the added device_class it will be seen as a motion sensor.
You can also add some delay_on/delay_off to “smooth” the states changes in case it’s flapping just around 4W.
delay_on is the delay that the condition will have to be true before the binary_sensor goes to ON/TRUE
delay_off is the delay that the condition will have to be false before the binary_sensor goes to OFF/FALSE