Motion activation

Hi everyone.
I ccurrently installed some sonoff zbminis behind my dumb switches to be able to use motion sensors to turn lights on and off in the staircase. When motion is detected the zbminis are triggered and turn on the lights. So far so good. I would like that between 10pm and 6am the lights are dimmed to a certain level. BTW the 2 lights that are turning on and off are 2 Hue bulbs. How can I acchieve this aS in my automation it is only sending the information to the zbminis anbd not to the lights. Do I have to create a scene or something similar?

You don’t need the dumb switches just use whatever the motion detector is to trigger the bulbs. Then use the choose action and condition them by the time, and set the brightness you want for each time span.

That is a tricky one. How did you wire the zbminis ? Do they cut the current to the bulbs, or are they just used as ‘scene controllers’ ?

Hi guys sorry for this very late reply. So yes the zbminis cut the current to the bulbs. I now turned it around, the zbminis are always turned on, but the bulbs are turning on and off. Thanks for the tip.