The BC08 has a second beacon that appears based on motion. I use these on trash cans and my mailbox to know when they’re opened.
Home Assistant sees the beacon for both the normal and the motion-based beacon - I get entities with the correct uuid/major/minor with a state of “home”. But the motion beacon never becomes “not home”.
Is anyone else using these? Is it working for you?
I started using the ESPHome Bluetooth Proxy at the same time. To simplify things, I’m going to unplug that until I get this sorted. The source for the persistent “home” is a ESP32 proxy, so that may very well be the problem…
Yes, I am seeing the same behavior also. If I walk away from the HA carrying a beacon, it works ok. But if I just turn off the beacon while standing next to the HA, it never disappears. Seems like it needs an “MIA timer”.
Edit: to clarify, I have a simple automation that turns on a lamp in my office when I walk in (lamp is plugged into Shelly plug). When I walk out with the beacon, the lamp goes off after about 20-40 seconds. Too slow, but it works. But if I stay in the office and manually turn off the beacon, the lamp never turns off.
This is similar to your trash can motion sensor beacon broadcast that sends you a message alert but HA never turns off the alert even when the motion beacon stops broadcasting.
Maybe there is an animal stuck in your mailbox struggling to escape???