Motion-based BC08 iBeacon never "away"

I have several Blue Charm BC08 iBeacons that I’ve been using with Room Assistant.

This weekend, I decided to give the new iBeacon integration a try.

The BC08 has a second beacon that appears based on motion. I use these on trash cans and my mailbox to know when they’re opened.

Home Assistant sees the beacon for both the normal and the motion-based beacon - I get entities with the correct uuid/major/minor with a state of “home”. But the motion beacon never becomes “not home”.

Is anyone else using these? Is it working for you?

I started using the ESPHome Bluetooth Proxy at the same time. To simplify things, I’m going to unplug that until I get this sorted. The source for the persistent “home” is a ESP32 proxy, so that may very well be the problem…

With ESP32 proxy off, I’m still seeing this behavior. The source shown is the built-in Bluetooth adapter on my Home Assistant Blue.

Hi Scott!

Yes, I am seeing the same behavior also. If I walk away from the HA carrying a beacon, it works ok. But if I just turn off the beacon while standing next to the HA, it never disappears. Seems like it needs an “MIA timer”.

Edit: to clarify, I have a simple automation that turns on a lamp in my office when I walk in (lamp is plugged into Shelly plug). When I walk out with the beacon, the lamp goes off after about 20-40 seconds. Too slow, but it works. But if I stay in the office and manually turn off the beacon, the lamp never turns off.

This is similar to your trash can motion sensor beacon broadcast that sends you a message alert but HA never turns off the alert even when the motion beacon stops broadcasting.

Maybe there is an animal stuck in your mailbox struggling to escape???

Here’s the issue on GitHub: