Hi everyone,
I ran into an issue with motion_blinds integration. I have checked out the Troubleshooting guide. But my issue looks different.
So here the mutlicast is working BUT not always some packets are lost and then i receive teh usual error:
2022-04-09 15:14:41 ERROR (SyncWorker_14) [motionblinds.motion_blinds] Timeout of 10.0 sec occurred on 5 attempts while waiting on multicast push from update request, communication between gateway and blind might be bad.
I did some investigation and used the sample code that was provided in another forum entry.
Here it is:
from motionblinds import MotionMulticast, MotionGateway
import logging
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
motion_multicast = MotionMulticast()
m = MotionGateway(ip = "", key = "KEY", multicast = motion_multicast, mcast_timeout=15.0)
devs = m.GetDeviceList()
for blind in m.device_list.values():
With this test i discovered the following:
The observation is the following:
Some updates are received, but then soem not. Any idea what can be improved in the network to make it more stable ?
Thanks in advance.