Motion detection with sound

Hey, I’m brand new here and have only been working with Home Assistant for about 1/2 year. So I’m still an absolute beginner. I’ve already successfully integrated the EDL21, my balcony power plant and 3 cameras from Reolink RLC410 and 510. What I do However, I have not yet found an integration where the motion detection is reported by a sound. I may have had the same problem here before and found a solution. I would be grateful for suggestions.
Thanks in advance for your trouble.

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Basically you just need to create an automation which triggers on motion detection and then calls a service on your audio output device. It’s hard to be more specific without knowing what type of device you plan on using for your output.

Example Using Alexa Echo devices

This example use door sensors, but it could just as easily be motion sensors…

alias: Alexa - Notify - Exterior Door Opened
description: Alexa will beep when an exterior door is opened 
  - platform: state
      - binary_sensor.fr_door
      - binary_sensor.b_door      
      - binary_sensor.basement_ext_door
    to: "on"
condition: []
  - service: notify.alexa_media
      message: >-
        - media_player.basement_dot
        - media_player.kitchen_dot
        - media_player.bedroom_dot
        - media_player.living_room_dot
        type: tts
mode: single

Sorry, this is off thread.
So far, I have not come across anyone who has a balcony power plant built. Could you start a thread and describe in more detail how you built it. I have it too and I’m looking for inspiration on what could be improved.

First of all, thanks for the replies. I had thought of a sound output via the tablet, where Homeassistant runs and is checked. So I don’t have to buy anything extra again. Homeassistant itself is of course installed on a Raspi4 to copy the Raspi or to the tablet that is then played back when there is a motiondetect? Pepe59, I built the balcony power plant myself and of course included the entities that the balcony power plant’s Wifi stick outputs in Hassio.

look in to this, works fine here on a android tablet…

If you have the companion app already installed on the tablet you can use TTS or Alarm stream notifications.

If you have speakers attached to the RPi, you may be able to use the VLC Telnet integration (VLC media player via Telnet - Home Assistant) to play messages or sound directly out of the Pi.

Unfortunately, the speaker on the Raspi doesn’t work because the Raspi is in the basement server cabinet. So I wouldn’t hear it. Everything would have to be done on the tablet. I just couldn’t get any smarter with the alarm app, where do I put the motion entity to activate?

PS. the LANnouncer might be interesting, but where do I use the motion entity to start the output? Sorry for the stupid questions, but I’m even dumber when it comes to programming :slight_smile:

you need to make an automation, where:

trigger is your motion entity state change
action is the message to your lannouncer instance

Hello again, I can’t get along with the Lannouncer and somehow it doesn’t work properly. Now I’ve tried to set up an automation, as soon as a movement is detected, an automation should be triggered that simply plays an mp3 file. However, I can easily do this not set up properly. Has anyone had experience here.
I copied an Mp3 file to the local media folder and attached the automation settings. Unfortunately it doesn’t work.

is the Media Room TV your Lannouncer device?

No, I only know that I can play the MP3 file in the local media player. See attachment. But I can’t get it into the automation.