Bit of a noob question, but I have an office with a storage space, that has lighting and a motion sensor. I would love it if I could have the storage light come on to an appropriate level to match the rooms setting.
If the room was set to daylight lighting, on motion the storage would trigger the daytime scene.
If the room is set to evening lighting, on motion the storage would trigger a darker scene.
I’m sure I could do this though multiple automations each with scene conditions, but wonder if there’s a more elegant way to just have all the settings in one automation.
Great. Lights are hue, sensors are ZigBee, the scenes are all set in HA, everything is running well, I have some basic automations setup, just wasn’t sure how to approach more complicated ones.
Input_select helper with the options you want. Scenes aren’t just lights
In the daytime scene simply set the input_select to daytime and then in the evening one set the input_select to evening.
Then in the automation for motion, use a choose to set the brightness level based on the value of the input_select.
It doesn’t need complicated automations.