Motion sensor and hub to Google home

Hi everyone, I’ve recently installed the motion sensor to my driveway and have it working connected to the hub, thought I’d see if I could get it added to Google home, interestingly it says it sees 4 devices after confirming the login, but I’m stuck from there and unable to select any specific device for yolink,. I think I saw a list of compatible devices, is it accurate that the smart hub is not on that list?

You need to provide more detail. What motion sensor and what hub (both yolink?)? What is it you’re wanting to do with a motion sensor in Google Home? Are you using the yolink integration in HA? Are you using the Google Assistant integration in HA? Is it a yolink sensor connected to a yolink hub? If so, the integration page lists two compatible motion sensors. Are you trying to connect the motion sensor to two hubs? You can’t do that.

Google Home doesn’t support sensors much right now. However, they have announced a pending update that supports them, and I have the preview version installed as of today.

Although not documentated as an option (no binary_sensor in supported domains), I exposed a motion sensor (Hue) and door sensor (Aqara) to Google Assistant. However, only the door sensor showed up in Google Home. I’m not sure if this is related to HA or the Google Home preview version, or both.

Same issue.
Zigbee door sensors, motion sensors working fine in HA. But google home only shows the lights and power plugs.
Is there a way to use the sensors in google home?

Yeah, its minor to me, but I wanted to chime in and say I see the same. Motion entities aren’t present in google home.

It appears it might be because there isn’t a specific device type for “motion”, so the maintainer of the “google assistant” integration has his hands tied with what to expose the motion sensor to google as…