Motion sensor automations/rules?

I just ordered motion sensors to integrate into my home. I am looking for some recommend rules to use to make them feel unobtrusive and not have them be off when they are supposed to be on and vice versa.

How long after there is no motion is a good amount of time for a light to be off?

If someone is in a room and they want the lights how will ha know not to turn it on again when they move?

How do I make sure it doesn’t turn off the lights when someone is on the couch or in bed?

These are some of the questions I have. I also want the hear any other rules/automation that you use that may be good for me to implement.

Those are all good questions.

Unfortunately there are no good answers. So far HA can’t read minds :wink: so it can’t know what your intentions are unless you tell it. The only way you can tell it is to set some other sensor, either manually or thru another sort of device, that tells the system how to behave.

examples are some sort of a room presence detection (couch/chair weight sensor, TV on sensor) to know not to turn off the lights if there is someone in the room and not moving.

Otherwise, it’s too personal a decision to decide how long, when, when not, etc.