Motion Sensor Light with Initial State Memory

Open your Home Assistant instance and show the blueprint import dialog with a specific blueprint pre-filled.

Blueprint YAML
  name: Motion Sensor Light with Initial State Memory
  description: > 
    ## Description

    Turn on a light when motion is detected. When motion is no longer detected, the light is either turned off or is returned to 
    its initial state.

    If the "Wait time" value is set, the automation will wait the specified amount of seconds after motion is no longer detected
    before returning the light to its previous state.

    ## Options

      - Wait Time: If set, the automation will wait the specified amount of seconds after motion is no longer detected
        before returning the light to its previous state. Setting this value to `0` will result in the light being immediately
        turned off after motion stops.
      - State Memory: If enabled, the light is returned to its initial state when motion is no longer detected.

    ## Use Case

    The default Motion Activated Light blueprint included by default with Home Assistant operates such that the target light will
    be turned off regardless of the state it was in at the time of motion starting. 

    Consider a scenario where you have a hallway night light that is normally enabled only when motion is detected. If you wished 
    to leave the light on all night on some given day, and you were the default blueprint. If motion were detected at any point in
    the night, the light would then be turned off after motion stops.

    By using this blueprint, you can choose to have the light return to its original state (i.e. on) when motion is no longer detected.

    ## State Memory Behaviour

    The following table indicates the effect that state memory has on the light entity's state.

    - State Memory:`off`, Initial light state:`off` => State after motion stops:`off`

    - State Memory:`off`, Initial light state:`on` => State after motion stops:`off`

    - State Memory:`on`,  Initial light state:`off` => State after motion stops:`off`

    - State Memory:`on`,  Initial light state:`on` => State after motion stops:`on`
  domain: automation
  author: travipross
      name: Motion Sensor
            - device_class: occupancy
              domain: binary_sensor
            - device_class: motion
              domain: binary_sensor
      name: Light
            - domain: light
      name: Wait time
      description: Time to leave the light on after last motion is detected.
      default: 120
          min: 0
          max: 3600
          unit_of_measurement: seconds
      name: State Memory
      description: Return to the intial state after motion is stopped.
      default: true
      name: Automation Timeout (Minutes)
      description: >
        Amount of time for the automation to wait for motion to stop. If this is exceeded, the automation will abandon any state memory 
        and wait to run again next time motion is detected.
      default: 360
          min: 0
          max: 1440
          unit_of_measurement: minutes
  light_entity: !input light_entity
  state_memory: !input state_memory
  - trigger: state
      - !input motion_entity
    from: "off"
    to: "on"
conditions: []
  - variables:
      initial_light_state: "{{ states(light_entity) | bool }}"
  - action: light.turn_on
      entity_id: !input light_entity
  - wait_for_trigger:
      - trigger: state
          - !input motion_entity
        to: "off"
          seconds: !input no_motion_wait
    continue_on_timeout: false
      minutes: !input timeout
  - if:
      - condition: not
          - and:
            - condition: template
              value_template: "{{ initial_light_state }}"
            - condition: template
              value_template: "{{ state_memory | bool }}"
      - action: light.turn_off
          entity_id: !input light_entity
mode: single


Turn on a light when motion is detected. When motion is no longer detected, the light is either turned off or is returned to
its initial state.

If the “Wait time” value is set, the automation will wait the specified amount of seconds after motion is no longer detected
before returning the light to its previous state.


  • Wait Time: If set, the automation will wait the specified amount of seconds after motion is no longer detected
    before returning the light to its previous state. Setting this value to 0 will result in the light being immediately
    turned off after motion stops.
  • State Memory: If enabled, the light is returned to its initial state when motion is no longer detected.

Use Case

The default Motion Activated Light blueprint included by default with Home Assistant operates such that the target light will
be turned off regardless of the state it was in at the time of motion starting.

Consider a scenario where you have a hallway night light that is normally enabled only when motion is detected. If you wished
to leave the light on all night on some given day, and you were the default blueprint. If motion were detected at any point in
the night, the light would then be turned off after motion stops.

By using this blueprint, you can choose to have the light return to its original state (i.e. on) when motion is no longer detected.

State Memory Behaviour

The following table indicates the effect that state memory has on the light entity’s state.

  • State Memory:off, Initial light state:off => State after motion stops:off
  • State Memory:off, Initial light state:on => State after motion stops:off
  • State Memory:on, Initial light state:off => State after motion stops:off
  • State Memory:on, Initial light state:on => State after motion stops:on


  • 2025-02-17 (0ff151d): Removed from: on from trigger in order to not miss events from motion sensor devices that sometimes transition to on directly from a sleeping state (e.g. battery powered zigbee motion sensors).