I’m wondering if anyone knows of any motion sensors that would be sensitive enough to detect a mouse? The sensor would be on the floor in a loft so the mouse could be going a few cm in front. The sensors sold as “human pir” I wondered if they are configured to not work in such a way.
Good idea.
If the mouse trap game doesn’t work out for you, look into using an mmwave sensor instead. A PIR might not capture a small mouse’s movements, but an mmwave sensor should.
Fit a sensor to an actual mouse trap so when arm fires it breaks a contact and sends a signal. Modify a door sensor. Remove reed switch as too fragile. Sort of like a door/mailbox setup that cant be eaten by mouse. Battery will last years.mmwave will have too many false alarms . I assume the plan is to eradicate rather than just to tell if they are moving.
If the mouse has to pass within a, say, 10cm of the sensor then, a regular PIR sensor should work. After all, at this range a PIR can detect my finger.
Yeah , they do give off a lot of heat. But how will you know if you have caught one? If it’s just detection then you will know if they are there by droppings and things chewed up. The first I knew I had them in my garage was when I saw the holes in my Golf trousers. They got into my drawers and chewed up my balls.
Yep the plan is to eradicate but they are very wary of going in traps. The only thing they fall for is sticky board traps which I hate using and want to get to them asap
For PIR-sensor smaller ir-source more close to sensor is equal to bigger source more far away. So yes, it will detect a mouse without problems.
I was going to respond by saying that you can install Hass agent which is capable to detect when you move your mouse…
Not if they’re wearing tin foil hats. Well known fact.
Though a mouse stuck on the glue pad will only set off the PIR when it first goes on the pad. Once it stops moving it will not be able to set PIR sensor off. Powering a PIR in loft may be a problem
How will OP use this binary sensor?
That’s why I usually play national anthem next to the PIR sensor.
I’m quite sure it will not keep the PIR on since PIR needs differential signal that can be generated only when ir-source moves across the sensor field. Result is same though, it doesn’t detect object that is not moving.
Then they just stand to attention and the sensor doesn’t detect them. Enough… enough…
You are right, break-dance would work better.
Or induction sealer coil on top of their heads…