Motion sensors come up as unknown on reboot (PIR)

Hello, I have a few PIR sensors scattered around my house. I’m using the device_class: motion with them and they work great. I don’t update my ESPHome devices regularly but when I do update them (or they get rebooted) the PIR sensors come up as Unknown instead of Clear. While this is probably wanted in most cases, I don’t want it to be the case on my setup. What’s the best way to set the default state to Clear on a motion sensor after powerup on ESPHome?

Heh, I thought I was going to answer my own question… I tried this:

publish_initial_state: true

but it didn’t work. :confused: After setting that and reloading the FW it still comes up as Unknown. :frowning:

Are you using API or MQTT for your HA connection?

I’m using the native API

What version ESPHome? I have a REALLY basic sensor platform using a PIR and a DHT22. The PIR always comes up initially as Cleared.


# Enable logging

# Enable Home Assistant API


  - platform: dht
    pin: D1
      name: "Office Temperature"
      name: "Office Humidity"
    update_interval: 30s
    model: DHT22
  - platform: gpio
    pin: D6
    name: "Office PIR"  
    device_class: motion

Just updated to 2022.10.0 is that what you’re running?

I wonder if it’s my choice of using a delayed off filter…

  - platform: gpio
    pin: D2
    device_class: motion
    name: "Motion detected in Garage"
      - delayed_off: 5min

That’s the only thing different between me and you if you’re running the latest ESPHome version.


That was it. When I commented out the filters: section it came up as Clear. Even if I waited the 5 minutes it still never came up – until I triggered the sensor, then it would be on for five minutes and then cleared. I wonder if this is a bug… seems like it to me.

You could always log an issue on ESPHome Github issues register - they will tell you quick enough if it’s behaving as designed…

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I put it in their system: GPIO binary sensor initial state is Unknown when using filters and delayed_off · Issue #3722 · esphome/issues · GitHub

Thanks for the help!

try using the function on_boot and set the desired value for the sensor