Motioneye addon, everything's low-res

I’ve recently got a couple of esp32cams, and have them flashed with esphome and added to motioneye.
Everything’s working great, except that everything through motioneye seems much lower res than the cameras are set to.
Browsing to the cameras esp32_camera_web_server (http://ip:port) gives a full/high-res 1920x1080 stream in my browser.
Videos recorded or pictures taken through motioneye are much lower res though, at 640x480.

I can’t see any way to specify a particular resolution within motioneye.
Any fps and res limiting options are set to run full-tilt.

Does anyone know what I might be missing please?

To add a litte more, I’ve tried triggering an automation using motioneyes motion detection, which works a treat.
I was hoping to then have HA record the stream directly from the camera (as I have with a couple of old android phones running IPWebCam), skipping any feed going through motioneye.
Nope. “camera.espcamgarden_garden does not support record service”.

Over-all, I’m hoping to start recording a reasonable resolution video when motion detection’s triggered. Anyone know a way to do that with an esp32cam please?

Thanks for trying, but I gave up on motioneye and moved over to Frigate.
It’s config is quite a bit less friendly than Motioneyes, but the end result of a lot of fiddling works well.
IIRC that resolution option didn’t show when using an esp32cam (mjpeg vs rtsp). Either that or it was there and made no difference, tbh I can’t remember.

Edit: I just reinstalled Motioneye to make sure. I don’t see any resolution setting after adding an esp32cam as an mjpeg camera, and the video from them looks horrible:
I can’t get them added as simple network cameras (which would probbaly show the same options as you see), the camera selection spins forever and doesn’t list anything.