MotionEye motion detection

Hello! I’m rather new to HA and this stuff.
I’m trying to setup an event when motion is detected in motioneye. I can setup event like 'Motion detection turned on" but the detection is always on… There is no option for “on motion detected”.

I noticed that there is some kind of webhook I might be able to use, tho, I’m not sure how to use it. What do I write in webhookID ? how do I get the camera name?

edit: Here are some info
motionEye webhook http://**serverip**:8123/api/webhook/motion_detected

home assistant

alias: MotionDetection
description: ""
  - platform: webhook
    webhook_id: motion_detected
condition: []
  - service: notify.notify
      message: testMessage
      title: testTitle
mode: single

Might be relevant that I have both HA and MotionEye running in separate dockerContainers in Portainer?


Hi Tobias,
How are you currently integrating with HA. Does motioneye support mqtt. I’m using mqtt with blueiris & that works well. In my case i need to instruct the blueiris server to send both a start & stop packet via mqtt. Or maybe within motioneye you can have the ‘motion off’ signal automatically sent after a couple seconds time out.


I installed both the MotionEye stack and HomeAssistant in portainer. They seem to know about each other because I can view the cameras inside HA. I’m not sure if MotionEye know about HA tho, because the webhook does not reach it seems. I tried postman and it worked fine with HA.