Motioneye streaming url - HTTPS issue


running HASSIO (latest version), added Motioneye integration, setup my camera, I can view in the Motioneye UI. When I try to use the streaming url provided by Motioneye to view the camera feed (RSTP) from HA lovelace or IE, I cannot get access. I am running duckdns SSL so the url provided by Motioneye is I am wondering if I need to port forward the ip on google wifi router (very limited port forwarding capability). Anybody can help me out here?

Yes. Duckddns is trying to access through 8081 and unless opened on router error will occur

What do you recommend I configure the port forwarding. Port 443 is already forwarded to 8123 for HA. I can’t forward 443 to another port.

I put motioneye in lovelace iframe view
Didn’t want to open port for directview to csmera

Could you help me how did u do that? I’m having same problem

EDIT: this thread is pretty old. pretty sure the thread predates the motioneye integration
you should probably take a look at the integration first

sorry but i move to frigate a few months back. Live view is low res but viewing recordings is faster and object detection is amazing. Frigate is also less cpu since mostly use Google Coral.

For motioneye I:

  1. add motioneye to my nginx proxy.
    I dont think I was able to get iframe to display the non https local site
    I used basic authentication provided in nginx to password protect it
    I removd nginx config but I belive below is basically same. you have to look at nginx docs to learn how to make username/passwords for password file
    server {
        listen               443 ssl http2;

        access_log           /var/log/nginx/access/frigate.log;
        error_log            /var/log/nginx/error/frigate.log debug;
        ssl_client_certificate /etc/cloudflare/cloudflare.pem;
        ssl_certificate      /etc/cloudflare/fullchain.pem;
        ssl_certificate_key  /etc/cloudflare/privkey.key;
        ssl_protocols        TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3;
        location / {
            proxy_pass           http://motioneye_local_ip;
            auth_basic           "Restricted Content";
            auth_basic_user_file /etc/nginx/.htpasswd;



  1. add it as iframe
    I just add below to my HA config file I believe
#                IFRAME                      #
    title: "Motioneye"
    url: "
    icon: mdi:cctv

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