I´ve searched for blinds like IKEA Fyrtur and KADRILJ to control them with tradfri/hass. The smallest blind starts at 110€, but other blinds are even more expensive. Than i saw a motor canvas (https://www.amazon.de/eSmart-Germany-MIMOTO-Motor-Leinwand-Größenauswahl/dp/B07N1JB639/ref=sr_1_9?__mk_de_DE=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&keywords=motor&qid=1567003902&s=home-theater&sr=1-9&th=1)
for about 70€ that i might integrate with an esp8266 without much effort. The size isn´t perfect for my window, but it would be okay. Are there any downsides using a canvas instead of an “real blind” that i didn´t see?