Motor on a roller blind - ESPHome version?

stutter causes the loop to send a message about the current position every second

        - while:
              lambda: 'return id($mystepper).current_position != int(id(endstop) * pos);'
              - cover.template.publish:
                  id: blinded
                  position: !lambda 'return (float(float(id($mystepper).current_position) / float(id(endstop))));' 
              - delay: 1000 ms

I got everything to work except being able to open and close using the browser on the webserver “page” on the device, toggle buttons work but not the “open” and “close” buttons. Nice work @RoadkillUK!
Is that working for you?

Yeah, I don’t know why that doesn’t work. I’ll look at it at some point.

Thanks for the report, it’s good to get feedback :slight_smile:

I know what is causing the delay, it’s the while routine that’s reporting it’s position back to HA, there’s another sketch/script on Github where it doesn’t report the position until it’s done moving, but there’s no delay.

I’m using that. it works good! Is there a way now in HA to call a service to open it say 50%?

Is This what you’re looking for?

Yes! Perfect

@fondberg @RoadkillUK can you give us a quick summary update of where you are at?

  1. Controller: ESP8266 Wifi D1 Mini still or something else?
  2. Stepper Motor: 28BYJ-48, 28BYJ-28 or NEMA17
  3. Voltage: 9V, 12V or other (6.5V??)
  4. Driver Boards: ULN2003, A4988 or other?
  6. Anything else?
  1. It is Robotdyn ESP8266 WiFi D1 mini
  2. 28BYJ-48
  3. 9v for both the driver board and the ESP
  4. ULN2003 (came with the stepper motors)
  5. Yeah, either of those will do, delay or no delay.
  6. Nope.

Fantastic, thank you @RoadkillUK!

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Built my third now but i use wemos d1 mini 12v and a small buvk converter to feed the mini with 5v

Also added push buttons to my last two enclosures


I have printed this gearbox for my NEMA 17 to increase the torque to tilt a quite big roller blind. Now I am wondring how many steps per seconds others are using with succes because to make the bolt turning, thousands of steps per second are needed. Using my NEMA 17 with a a4988 driver, but also have a drv8825 if needed. Any thoughs on this here?

How long do your blinds take to open? I am looking to put together some motorised blinds but I’m not sure whether to go with the 28BYJ-48 or Nema 17 motors. I hear the former are extremely slow even at 12V

I’m using 28BYJ-48 at 12V, and my shades are 180cm drop by 110cm wide. It takes about ~150s to open with 450step/s(above this speed the motor loosing the steps as the shades are heavy), and less to close with 600steps/s. I tried to build a NEMA version, but that one was too loud for me in my living room. Now I’m working on a “tubular motor” with a planetary gear motor.

Thanks for the info. What motor will you be using for the tubular motor? Will you be 3D printing something for this?

I’m planning to use this one

I have printed the first (few) prototype, but I’m still working on it. Anyway, for this I will need to find a shade tube with around 30mm inner diameter.

Id say mine open in a minute or so they are 100cm long

@fondberg I see that Shelly has the below Double Relay Switch and Roller Shutter - would that be useful here at all or not really don’t need it?

Shelly 2.5 Double Relay Switch

Thanks. Mine are about 110cm with about the same drop. A minute isn’t too bad

That is very interesting. I’d like to see how it turns out

As I wrote before I’ll need to find a roller blind tube with at least 30mm inner diameter, because I can’t make the connection until I don’t have it, but here I share the STL for the motor side.
Blind motor holder