With 0.91, we are able to record camera stream via home assistant. I have a QNAP running at home and I want to record the stream directly to the NAS instead of saving the clips locally on the Raspberry Pi. I tried all the mount method and I am getting “Permission Denied”. Does anyone have any clue how to mount CIFS share under HASS.IO? Thanks.
I guess the camera is connected directly to the RPi running Hassio?
It may just be a case of editing /etc/fstab
but the way HassIO works it may not be that straight forward, you may need to do something clever with the HA container.
If you are getting permission denied it could just be your shares, I recommend using another SD card with Raspbian (if you have a PI) and see if you can mount the shares on Raspbian OK.
I believe the QNAP (like most NAS’) has camera software to allow you to manage/store your camera streams. It would probably avoid a lot of load/performance impact to the Pi if it didn’t have to process video streams.
I have a foscam and it’s way too sensitive. No matter how I tweak the setting it’s still giving me too many false alarms. I was thinking to add a motion sensor and trigger recording via home assistant. QNAP has camera software but it’s not free.
I have the same issue is not running on rpi. But inside proxmox as a VM. It would be nice to allow hassos using whatever method including an add-on to mount an external smb share to save streams to. Also I’m not concerned with the overhead and I don’t intend to have it run all the time but I can’t see why not. I’m not opposed to simply adding a second drive from proxmox to be accessible for hassos to save the streams to but so far a method to accomplish this eluded me.
I am looking for same thing, to mount a CIFS share to HassOS so it is visible to HA. Maybe mounted inside the /share folder?
All I keep finding is that it can’t be done